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Dental tourism

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Lost or loose fillings are fairly common: the filling can be knocked loose by new decay, eating crunchy or hard foods, grinding your teeth, or an accident that injures your tooth.

What to know

Call us immediately if your filling is knocked out or loosens. You can use dental wax or a temporary filling material (available at drugstores) to seal the tooth until you are able to see us. Avoid biting or chewing with the tooth until it’s repaired.

How we treat lost or loose fillings

We will remove any decay from your tooth and place a new filling. Depending on how much of the tooth is left, you may need a dental onlay or crown to protect it.

When to seek care

Always call us if you suspect you have lost or loose fillings. Fillings restore and protect your tooth; they also keep bacteria and debris from entering the tooth and causing tooth decay or an infection. We need to promptly repair the tooth to ensure bacteria doesn’t enter the space left unprotected by the missing filling.

Lost or Loose Fillings in Polanco, Mexico City - Dentology Dental Boutique

Lost or Loose Fillings, Polanco, Mexico City


If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the ER immediately.

We are dedicated to transforming and improving lives through dentistry.

We use a holistic approach to dentistry to get the full picture of your oral health and design treatment options for long-term oral wellness.


By combining our precise in-house diagnostics, you get in-depth information about your oral health and recommended treatment options.

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