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Endodontics, Polanco, Mexico City

Save and repair a damaged tooth.


Endodontics in Polanco, Mexico City - Dentology Dental Boutique


Replace a lost or extracted tooth and improves oral health.

Root Canal Retreatment

A second chance to save a tooth with an existing root canal.

Root Canal Treatment

A way to save an infected tooth from extraction.

Endodontic treatments.

Our endodontic dental treatments are designed to save a badly damaged or infected tooth.

Best Dentist in Polanco, Mexico City - Dentology Dental Boutique

We are dedicated to transforming and improving lives through dentistry.

We use a holistic approach to dentistry to get the full picture of your oral health and design treatment options for long-term oral wellness.


By combining our precise in-house diagnostics, you get in-depth information about your oral health and recommended treatment options.

Book your appointment

For modern, personal, transparent, and painless dentistry, book your visit.

A new smile awaits you.


Dental tourism

Interested in coming to our clinic in Mexico City? Learn about our process.

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